Wednesday, February 29, 2012

~Concentration Level~

How far are you concentrated when you start to draw?

Blog Entry - Concentration level

I…actually cannot concentrate for a long duration, specially during the day! Why? Well, I have to help around and can only have a “peace of mind” when my mother is taking her nap! Haha~Or, sometimes when it’s too silent, I tend to make loud noises or tease my poor sisters, if they are present.

But during the night, right after doing the dishes and having a good hot shower, my concentration level rises. This is why most of my artworks are completed during the night, and mostly, midnight. It is the time where my parents are watching a movie or playing their online games, where my sisters and brothers are either asleep or doing their own works, where I am free from being called or having to move away from my work.

I enjoy my nights very much!

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