Sunday, March 27, 2011

~Result of TMA Logo Contest~

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants for their work and all the people who have voted for this contest! THANK YOU~!

Out of the 27 votes, the results are as follows (26/03/11 11:59 p.m.):


There was a fierce competition between Guillaume’s and Theirry’s logo~! But in the end, it’s Guillaume whose logo has been most favored by the voters with 12 votes~Followed by Thierry who got 10, and Raina with 4 and Nicolas with 1 vote~

A big applause for all the participants! Please keep up the good work! And please don’t feel discouraged either~As with good competition and challenges, you will get better for sure!

Therefore, as from 1st of April, the group logo will be changed and remain in use for 4 months till end of July, and be shifted on a 3 weeks to 1 month basis for the 2nd to 4th logo~

Thank you again, dear TMArtists! Awaiting your participation in the coming events!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

~Just Can’t Forget~

Title: Just Can’t Forget
Total no. of pages: 16
Type: School Romance
Time: 2003
Link: Just Can't Forget
This story revolves around 4 teenagers namely Anna, Nathlie, Danny and Bryan. Anna and Danny are very close friends, they would go to school together, do home work together and even share lunches. This close relationship made Nathlie quite jealous of her best friend Anna, when in fact, there is an untold secret behind…
Woah~Again love story~! Why always love love stories? Because love stories are easy! Yay~But it is challenging to discover new storyline~I somewhat fail a lot in doing sad storylines, so I prefer funny ones~It makes me feel the worth drawing when I see my readers laughing at a detail or a conversation~Their laughs and smiles push me further in discovering ways to make people laugh!
Please enjoy Just Can’t Forget!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~Logo Contest~

Dear TMArtists!

Following the deadline of submission for the TMA Logo Contest on the 12th March, here comes the voting for the logo you like!

Currently we have 4 entries, namely from (classified by date of submission):

  • Guillaume Clarisse


  • Nicolas Haw



  • Thierry Ctv



  • Raina Ram



The logo with the majority of votes will be used on the TMA group and page for 4 months as from the 1st of April 2011, and the other logos will be used on a shift basis, say 3 weeks to 1 month basis.

Please vote using the vote option on the left up corner of the blog. Thank you!

The deadline for voting will be on the 26th March 2011 at 11:59 p.m.